Thursday, January 28, 2010

N...U...M...B...E...R...... 4...5...

Actually Update This Website

I sincerely apologize.  This website could be great.  Actually, it's already kinda great.  But it could be greater.

Between work, other websites, and a certain person who is SUPPOSED to be coming up with things weekly... this site is failing.  But that's okay.  We're well on our way to 10,000 things.  Only 9,955 to go after this post!

Bonus: YOU CAN HELP!  Please email any things YOU want to do before you die to

Thank you and we promise we'll try harder...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Number 44

Do Parkour!

For you uncultured out there, Parkour is a "sport" in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible.

Yes, it's extremely dangerous, requires insane amounts of agility and 99% of the human population can't do it... but come on, give it a try! You look so cool doing it. Do your best to outdo these people:

Number 43

Bake a Cake
baking a cakeEveryone loves cake! Now you don't have to wait until someone's birthday to eat this delectable dessert - make your own! The flavor options are endless; all you need to do is pick one. Make sure you use proper caution around the oven, because it will get hot. That's the point, after all. Most importantly, enjoy!

Bonus: Make it from scratch!

Number 42

Use a Slip 'n' Slide
slip n slide doofus
These notoriously painful childhood toys are just the thing to do on a scorching summer day! Just unroll your long yellow strip of plastic, put on your bathing suit, turn on the water, and away you slide! Just watch out for the neighbor's dog.

Bonus: Use the Slip 'n' Slide without water.

Number 41

Stay Up All Night

If you're a college student or have been in the past, you've probably already done this. Good for you! Now, you can't just stay up until sunrise - you need to make it all the way until your normal bedtime the next night.

Bonus: Do it without consuming any caffeine.